H5 Hotel cerca del aeropuerto BANGKOK THAILAND


H5 Hotel cerca del aeropuerto BANGKOK THAILANDH5 Hotel cerca del aeropuerto BANGKOK THAILAND

Suvarnabhumi Suite is the perfect hotel for travelers in transit.
Here, you’ll experience a superb stay with full-service
conveniences at an advantageous location and for a very reasonable price.
Our hotel offers more than a quiet accommodation before or after a flight.
We take pride in exceeding our guests’ expectations by presenting
meticulously kept guestrooms and facilities, and efficient,
top-notch service from our courteous staff. We’ve designed every aspect with your comfort in mind.
Feel free to come in anytime and be welcomed by our 24-hour reception service.
We’ve made sure that the rooms are always conducive to helping you get a good night’s sleep in preparation
H10 Hotell nær flyplassen BANGKOK THAILAND


H5 Hotel cerca del aeropuerto BANGKOK THAILAND

For further information, please contact
+662 327-4444
info @suvarnabhumisuite.com